The Thrive Factor And Permission

The Thrive Factor Activating Permission Shannon Bush | Intentional Permisison Program | Learn who you are

What have you always wanted to do, be or have?

Is permission something you struggle with?

Imagine this…

You’ve just sat and listened as someone you probably don’t know that well has introduced you to key parts of yourself.

You have heard words that feel like they were written just for you.

Each new sentence resonates so strongly you have all the feels bubbling up inside.

Excitement, reassurance, understanding, joy, sadness, clarity, motivation to do something with all you’ve discovered. And then there is this new word that comes to you. A word you don’t find yourself using that often. Before you know it you hear yourself saying

“I feel like I have permission to…”

…followed by a whole luxurious raft of things you’ve forgotten, lost along the way of life, disconnected from or never thought you’d hear yourself saying.

Welcome to your Thrive Factor Experience!

Since the early days of profiling women I have heard a multitude of different words and phrases used to describe what I’ve just shared with them during a profiling feedback session.
What surprised and delighted me in the last couple of years has been the increasing use of the word permission when I sit across from a woman like you I have just spent a half hour or so talking with. Whether we meet in person or we meet online, the sharing is the same, the supportive guidance is the same and the feedback has been the same time and time again.
Being a huge lover of the work of Brene Brown and Elizabeth Gilbert (read the last blog post about my meeting Liz here!) for numerous years and have adored reading their take on permission and hearing them interviewed about permission and their permission slip exercises, hearing the word used in relation to all things The Thrive Factor significantly maximises my thriving . So powerful!
I have heard both Brene and Liz talk about the process and art of permission.
Every time it has sparked my interest and I’ve done a load of searching – soul searching for my own understanding right through to #MentorTeacher style research into the psychology of permission – to try to distill what permission is really all about.

There have been big questions like

“Why do you (or we as women) feel the need for permission?”
“What makes you apologise so much for existing?”
“What is permission all about?”
“Who gets to grant permission?”
“Why does it need granting anyway?”
I’ll be sharing some of the answers I discovered in my programs and ongoing work with women like you moving forward but in the meantime this share today is in celebration of you and the fact that you have frequently found new, fresh and energising permission by discovering your Thrive Factor and the individual Archetypes that are your Thrive Factor Profile.
Oh so much celebration.
Abundant joy.

And so it is...

That’s what you’ve been saying.
With hearing that I get a clear sense you’ve found inspired self understanding.
You have found confidence to make decisions, take actions, celebrate more, celebrate YOU!
It doesn’t matter why you used the word permission or what it means to you.
What it gives you the momentum and enthusiasm to do is what delights me most because when I see or hear you living the life you want, enjoying a career or work that lights you up or leading a business that you know is your true hearts calling, that is when you’re THRIVING and who doesn’t want more of that?
Can’t wait to share more Thrive Factor inspired insights and stories with you again soon.
Shannon Bush | The Thrive Factor | Thrive Factor Archetypes | Leadership Profile for Women

From me to you here’s to big love and a whole lotta thriving, oh and chai… don’t forget the chai! 

Shannon xx

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