Discover Your Leading Thrive Factor Archetype
& begin learning a whole new way of honouring the impact you are here to make while expanding your business, being totally you!
It's 100% free to take the Thrive Factor assessment & this information is
> pure reliable and relatable psychology,
> has been refined over more than a decade of real life use with women in business & leadership worldwide,
> is sooooo much easier to understand than some of the trendy profiling & self discovery systems out there right now
If you're the kind of woman who takes all the quizzes, loves to discover everything she can about herself from Disney princess type to spirit animal and your boss babe style, starting your Thrive Factor Archetype journey will be a breath of fresh air.

Drawing on ancient archetypal psychology and an extensive background working with women in business Shannon Dunn created The Thrive Factor Framework TM and it’s 12 Archetypes to give women like you a true edge in business.
Since 2010 the Thrive Factor Archetypes have been giving creative, wise, ambitious, curious, ingenious business women all they need to activate thriving.
These women are coaches, creatives and impact makers. They have embodied their strengths, understood the role of any potential challenges their Archetypes have and each day they choose to claim their space in the world.
Read on for some pointers to maximise your experience as you discover your Leading Thrive Factor Archetype.
Get excited as you’re about to meet this key Archetype and understand the role she plays in your business.
She can totally transform the way you relate to yourself, your business and the world, in the best possible way.
She’s just one of a potential 3, 4 or 5 Archetypes that may be part of your Thrive Factor Profile. You can meet all your Archetypes in a Thrive Factor Experience, a 1:1 private profiling session with Shannon or a Certified and Licensed Thrive Factor Coach TM.
Each Coach has been personally trained and endorsed by Shannon and is licensed to work with you and your Thrive Factor Archetypes in both a profiling capacity and as your coach to guide and co-create self awareness and integration as you embody your Thrive Factor.
Shannon starts each of her private client, masterminds and group coaching experiences with you learning your Thrive Factor Archetypes. This information is really so pivotal to your thriving that it’s been infused in everything Shannon offers via her core business Thrive Factor Co.
"Discovering my Thrive Factor Archetypes, was a wonderful moment. Knowing about my Archetypes has given me so much clarity and confidence in accepting and believing in myself and my strengths, whilst balancing my challenges. Thank you, Shannon, it really has helped me to be more in my ‘effortless success zone"
Rachel Gardiner, Australia; Artisan tea blender, Cinnamon Girl Tea
You are about to take a big step – a step that can change everything for the better.
You’re on your way to discovering your Leading Thrive Factor Archetype so let’s find out who you are.
Your Leading Thrive Factor Archetype introduces you to one of your key Thrive Factor Archetypes. She’s one of 12 Archetypes that could be part of your unique Thrive Factor Profile.
Knowing her will give you significant insight into who you are, why you do things the way you do in business and life and get you opening to and owning your strengths so you can unlock your effortless success zone (yes, really!)
You’ll learn
- about your Leading Thrive Factor Archetype in an intro message from The Thrive Factor founder, Shannon Dunn
- the key strengths of your Thrive Factor Archetype
- the potential challenges of your Thrive Factor Archetype
- how your Thrive Factor Archetype shows up in business. Shannon has defined this in terms of the 4 M’s of Momentum; mindset, marketing, money and magnetism
"Looking at what I want to accomplish in my business through the lens of my Thrive Factor profile and my Thrive Factor Archetypes has made decision making easier for me. It's helped me to understand how to speak to my community, of course, but it's also helped me feel even more confident that I'm moving in the right direction. On top of all that, I've used it to help understand who I'm working with and clients. A valuable tool that I highly recommend!"
Stasha Washburn, USA; The Period Coach, Author of "The Revolution Will Be Bloody"
You could be…
An Advocate Rescuer – kind hearted, compassionate yes women who gives way too much time, energy and support away and can find herself struggling to find her place in the world with all her sensitivities
A Heroine Adventurer – fierce, nature loving defender of the women and children who is determined to win at any cost, she can struggle with self care when she’s on a mission, leaving her beloved pet dog (or any animal in her life!) wondering why they’ve been neglected
An Inspirer Believer – excitable, energy driven cheerleader who as a true potentialist sees the gifts in others and wants them to see these in themselves and can often find herself on the edge of burnout and mojo-less
A Liberator Engineer – her core value is freedom and she has a gift for analytical thinking, problem solving and building solutions. She’s cool and calm on the outside but an intensely emotional woman who cares a lot. She sees the big picture and all it’s moving parts with ease
A Mediator Diplomat – driven by a need for truth and justice, she’s on a quest for a world where harmony, balance and fairness lead. She’s the perfectionist of the group and her overactive ideas generating brain rarely takes a rest
A Mentor Teacher – with her love of learning she’ll woo you with her expertise, but only when she learns to tap into her innate wisdom will she discover her place in the world. She’s here to guide others through transformation
A Networker Connector – this social butterfly is the centre of every gathering, introducing people to each other and making connections at every turn. She’s busy, loves people and yet can get lost in the midst of her latest social invite, or two or twenty
A Pioneer Seeker – pushing the boundaries, this natural disrupter gets bored easily and needs plenty of variety to keep her engaged. She loves to be the first and throws herself headlong into anything new when her greatest gift is connecting with the treasures within
A Queen Ruler – destined to lead with heart, she can draw a crown and hold space as she goes about building her beautiful community. She doesn’t suffer fools, and you cross her and she may just execute you! (seriously)
A Shapeshifter Alchemist – the chameleon of the group, this variety loving, ever evolving magical and mystical woman keeps everyone, including herself, guessing what’s next. When she’s disconnected from who she is, visibility can be a challenge and we can find her hiding (or not. It depends on how clever she is!)
A Visionary Creator – gifted with foresight and vision and a love of the future, this dreamer is the creator of original things who grounds herself with pure creative expression. She’s strategic and here to make a big impact in the world, totally her way. Big pictures visions intensely excite her
"Understanding my Thrive Factor Archetypes (Liberator Engineer here!) helped me see why I needed to let go of complicated systems and embrace simplicity in my marketing. I was also able to leverage another Archetype, Queen Ruler which I was resisting because of its negative stereotype. Once I could see how I could lean into my Queen, I was able to step up as a better leader. I am so glad that I did this and got a better insight into what makes me, me!"
Swapna Thomas, India; Content Queen, Market Like A Leader revolutionary
Ready to unlock your Leading Thrive Factor Archetype?
Maximise your experience with these considerations
- Set aside about 15 minutes to complete the Assessment
- Sit somewhere you won’t be disturbed or distracted
- Turn off social media, email, phone and so on to avoid them distracting you part way through the Assessment questions
- When reading the question, be sure to answer with your first instinct rather than thinking about what you think you should answer
- Be sure to answer based on who you are now in your life and business, not who you used to be or want to be
- This is not a pass/fail type of assessment, there is no right or wrong!
- The Assessment is a series of statements that asks you to rate based on your first instinct in answer to each statement
- On completion of the Assessment you will receive instant access to your Thrive Factor Edge Archetype and over the coming days you’ll receive a small number of emails with additional information so you can get to know your Archetype
- At the end of your assessment you will be asked to share your contact details. This is required before we can send you your results
- At no time will your information be shared with any other party
- From time to time you may receive emails from Shannon and Team Thrive Factor about Shannon’s programs, coaching and opportunities related to the Thrive Factor profiling and coaching certification offered via Thrive Factor School
Here’s some additional info about the Thrive Factor Framework TM and meeting your Thrive Factor Archetypes.
- This framework and each of the 12 Archetypes within it is the original creation of Shannon Dunn and draws on reliable archetypal psychology methodology
- Each of the Thrive Factor Archetype images is the original artwork of Shannon Dunn
- Shannon has used the Archetypes in her work since 2010, after spending more than a year developing and refining the first versions of each of the 12 Archetypes
- The Thrive Factor is similar to other profiling tools and systems in that it provides a reliable way for you to get to know who you are. It amplifies self awareness, creates reliable confidence and offers insight and direction in business and life
- The Thrive Factor Framework TM is not a label or limiting framework. Shannon is in continual creation process and adds new information as her insights and understandings of each of the 12 Thrive Factor Archetypes continues to unfold
- You learning your Archetype/s offers you a way to tap into strengths you may be unaware of or have forgotten about
- The potential challenges defined for each Archetype are not an opportunity for you to decide all these things are your reality. The word potential is key here! You will learn one of your Archetypes by taking this assessment, however one or more of your additional Archetypes may impact the challenges of another so much that the challenge and any potential negative impact is significantly limited
- If you’d like to learn more, please explore right here on this very site, the home of the Thrive Factor Framework TM online > thethrivefactor.com, follow Shannon and Thrive Factor School on Instagram, follow The Thrive Factor on Facebook and join Shannon’s Facebook group, Ingenious Business Woman
"Shannon blew my mind! There was a moment of..."no no, you have that wrong", but that quickly unraveled with Shannons incredible knowledge, experience and what this profiling is actually all about. Shannon changed the way I see myself, not just as a businesswoman, but as a woman. I felt like I had full permission to actually be me, and do things my way. I can not recommend this work enough, it truly is a game-changer"
Amy Towle, Australia; Queen at Temple of She

Meet The Thrive Factor Framework TM creator, Shannon Dunn
A super creator, visionary thinker, liberation loving, inspiration seeking, chai devotee, stand up paddleboard addict, disco tragic!
Shannon is an international award-winning Australian businesswoman, retreat leader and regularly sought out as a keynote speaker. She’s the proud Amazon best-selling author of The Thrive Factor; Unlock Your Effortless Success Zone, a book introducing you to the archetypal framework changing the way women interact with themselves and the world.
In 2019 Shannon and The Thrive Factor book were awarded the Winner, Top Female Author in Business/Politics, as awarded by The Authors Show.com.
In 2021 Shannon was named one of the top 10 Business Coaches in Australia by Gig Super.
Think about The Thrive Factor Framework TM as easy to engage with psychology meets your inner wisdom meets accelerating your success in life and business, with the greatest of effortlessness.
Shannon coaches, mentors, teachers and cheers ingenious women who are coaches, creators and impact makers. They are true #thriveseekers searching for more out of life. They are here to do big things and not ashamed to tell the world. Shannon connects them with their innate Thrive Factor Archetypes, teaching them to claim their innate ingenious selves!
Shannon has been championing women in business to thrive as a cornerstone of her work for over 30 years (when you include her decade + in corporate and health leadership) via one on one coaching, business mastermind programs and oodles of thrive focused training. In 2019 she expanded the thriving woman revolution with the launch of Thrive Factor School offering certification programs teaching women in business the art of Archetypal Profiling and Coaching and coaching for women using the Thrive Factor Framework TM.
This Biz Yoda (lovingly named by her community) is here to shift the landscape for the women of the world and lead a revolution of women everywhere thriving. She’s in a conscious, evolving relationship with her 4 Thrive Factor Archetypes, Visionary Creator, Liberator Engineer, Inspirer Believer and Mentor Teacher.